How we’re improving diversity and inclusion throughout the sport

We are aiming to create a diverse Formula 1 that reflects the world in which we race


To ensure proper governance and oversight is provided, we have established the F1 D&I Task Force which aligns on, monitors and progresses D&I initiatives across the whole F1 ecosystem, from the Teams to the FIA to F1.

To kickstart Formula 1’s D&I initiatives, $1m has been personally pledged by our Chairman and CEO, Chase Carey to support Engineering scholarships. In addition, the FIA has also pledged €1m from its FIA Innovation Fund to improve diversity in the sport. Priority will be placed on promoting a diverse driver talent pipeline by identifying and systematically eliminating barriers to entry from grass roots karting to Formula 1, in line with the single-seater pyramid implemented by the FIA for many years.


Create a workplace representing a fair picture of society

Formula 1 is committed to promoting a culture of inclusion in our workplace and attracting and retaining new diverse talent.

  • All staff will undergo mandatory Diversity & Inclusion training to ensure unconscious bias plays no part in our recruitment practices or day-to-day operations

  • In order to attract and retain diverse talent into our organisation, Formula 1 is undertaking a holistic review of our recruitment and retention processes, from finding untapped routes-to-market to new interviewing techniques to strengthening development plans for our colleagues

  • Paid internship, apprenticeship and traineeship opportunities will be available to a new generation of talent from under-represented backgrounds across Commercial, Corporate and Motorsports departments at Formula 1

  • To ensure safeguards in salary review processes, we are continuously monitoring pay gaps across different demographics


Work towards creating a more diverse paddock

Our Teams are committed to increasing the diversity within their organisations and creating new opportunities for talent.

  • Paid internship and apprenticeship opportunities for talent from underrepresented backgrounds will be created at the Formula 1 Teams


Increasing accessibility to more people of all backgrounds

Improving access for under-represented drivers and finding new pathways to Formula 1 is crucial in ensuring a diverse grid

  • We are exploring ways to make karting more affordable and accessible and working with the FIA to develop a structured pathway to single-seater racing

  • To ensure certain cohorts of drivers are not disadvantaged, we are working with the FIA to identify and amend any technical regulations to create a level playing field

  • Collaborating with W Series to promote up-and-coming female drivers. W Series will appear as a full support series on our 2021 calendar

  • We are undertaking work to understand the parallels between virtual and physical driving, and exploring the ability to develop Esports as an affordable and accessible pathway to single seater racing


Reaching the next generation of talent

Our ambition is to encourage participation and heighten engagement in STEM education among youth

  • To reduce the financial burden on students and their families, Formula 1 will commit to financially supporting a number of engineering scholars from diverse backgrounds at a range of universities in the UK and Europe

  • We will engage young students by creating STEM-based, on-demand, free-to-use educational modules that parallel standard learning outcomes by using content surrounding Formula 1 race weekend activities

  • F1 in Schools will continue to serve as a fundamental part of our STEM strategy - we are exploring ways to amplify the programme and heighten engagement across geographies


Active promotion of diverse talent and inclusive content

We believe that Formula 1 is for everyone, and will focus on creating inclusive and diverse content will bring new perspectives to the sport

  • Talent shown on F1-owned programmes and channels will reflect the diversity of our fans and the countries we race in

  • We will double-down on developing content across linear, digital and social platforms that is relevant to a broad range of fans

  • Deepen engagement with non-traditional publications to cover Formula 1 to bring a fresh perspective of the sport to non-traditional audiences

  • To support our communities, Formula 1 will commit a portion of our apprenticeship levy to supporting education and training at local businesses